Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Listen to RIDING HIGH ON A WINDY DAY by The Paragons.

Well, Usain Bolt is the new Jamaica, but I'm still a fan of the old Jamaica. We've had the Paragons on before, and it frustrates me that, if I hadn't given it a quick read, I would have typed more or less the same entry. Basically, I think it's just too bad that more Jamaican music has never been in the mix on classic rock radio, so it would be generally well known and accepted. Get to know this great music, people!

Riding High was a hit for the Paragons, not their biggest, but high quality. The concept for the song and the recording are crystal clear--it has a clarity of purpose, if you will. Good melody, good performance, good production.

Photo: Manhattan Towers (2).


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