Wednesday, December 9, 2009

You'll Never Walk Alone (But You'll Lose to Fiorentina)

Listen to YOU'LL NEVER WALK ALONE by the Ryker's.

This is one I don't feel too too badly about, since I'm a little short for real songs at the moment. Liverpool lost to Fiorentina just a few moments ago, but thankfully we were all spared a Stevie G diving exhibition to go with it.

While you consider what some guy said on the internet about Ryker's ("This is one of the most under-rated hardcore bands ever. RYKER'S was the biggest band best hardcore band from Europe."), I'm going to get my voodoo dolls out and start hoping we can give Liverpool another loss this Sunday...



uncle billy said...

Might need those voodoo dolls to man midfield if we don't have some rapid healing.

Unknown said...

i love a minute into this song..."argghhhh.....WALK ON. WALK ON....."

John said...

If Liverpool somehow wins this weekend, can we ask for a reverse post? "You'll Never Walk Alone (But You'll Lose to Liverpool)"

bill said...

and post another version of this song? Is that really what you want?