Friday, December 7, 2007

Ceiling project: Now with less wasting time!

Believe it or not, we're a couple of days from getting our ceiling finished! We're helping our handyman do this, which is nice to keep it in-house. First was a coat of pink plaster weld. This is necessary because there is a different kind of plaster underneath what we're putting on now. As you can see from the picture, we almost got the ceiling completely covered with a first plaster coat today. Finish the plastering tomorrow, then repainting on Sunday! It could be a red letter day, because that's also when I think we'll unleash the greatly anticipated holiday mix. Fingers crossed...



Anonymous said...

I am very proud of you both.

Love, Mom

soonergooner said...

Looks like you got some good help. On to the painting, I'm sure after the match, tho. Go you reds.....

Anonymous said...

How is the ceiling? How was the Christmas party?

Love, Mom

bill said...

the ceiling is coming along. second coat of plaster down. hopefully prime and paint (starting) tomorrow

bill said...

oh, and k&c did a great job with the party. fun.